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North Shore Dog Training Club
Motivation & Focus
Pre-sports puppy training
This course is aimed specifically at those who have previously trained a dog so that they have a good understanding of dog training and who are now working with a new pup.
The Focus and Motivation Class teaches experienced handlers essential skills to produce thoughtful, motivated, driven and strong agility dogs. Handlers use crate games, play, and shaping to develop foundation agility skills and a strong relationship between the dog and the handler. There is only positive reinforcement in this class, and required equipment includes a crate, toys, food and a pool noodle.
When the puppies are ready, a small amount of foundation agility equipment work will occur in preparation for the following class.
Classes: Thursdays 6.30pm to 7.45pm
Minimum age: 4 months
Pre-requisites: Dog fully vaccinated & handler previously trained a dog
Essential equipment: Dog crate & a pool noodle
9 week course: $80
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