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Dog Behaviour Specialists


Thank you for your honesty.  We know how disappointing it is when your playful puppy starts to display these worrying habits.  We also appreciate that you want to do the right thing for your dog and are here to seek help.


Unfortunately, experience has shown that a group training environment is not ideal for these type of problems, in fact it is more likely to exacerbate the issue.  To best support your dog, we advise that you really do need to seek the help of a specialist professional.


Listed below are a selection of dog trainers who specialise in dog aggression issues, operating in and around the Auckland area.  We encourage you to make contact with one of them to seek help as soon as possible.  


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Links to Dog Behaviour Specialists: 


K9 Services

Maree Manderson

Kelly McFarlane

Canine by Nature

Dog Matters NZ


This list is certainly not exclusive; please feel free to conduct your own research for  others that may offer similar services in the Auckland Region.  The large majority of dog aggression issues are, in fact, fear-related, and a professional will help you to identify the triggers and teach your dog a more appropriate response when in stressful situations.  This ought to be acheivable without resorting to force or fear based methods, which can have other negative consequences.  Please choose wisely if you do decide to conduct your own research.


With time and the dedicated support of a professional, we would hope that your dog will reach a stage where we will be able to accommodate you at the club to further progress your training.

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